Draft Ass#2 – Step 7-10

Hi fellow students and bloggers!

I think I’m at a draft stage at the moment ready for some feedback! I still have a bit of work to do expanding on some of the topics but want to know if there are any topics I’m missing? 🙂 Will be happy to return the favour!


Assess 2 Step 7-10 K Baldwin s0255863 – updated 03/06

Hallenstein Glasson – K Baldwin s0255863 – updated 03/06


Feedback For Danielle Bradley

Feedback For Melissa De Rossi

Feedback For Rhiannon Bellamey

Feedback for Donna Condon

Image result for hallenstein

Make a Decision.

Assess 2 Step 6 K Baldwin s0255863

Good morning all!

I have typed up my thoughts on Step 6 – Chapter 8. Let me know what you all think!

Let me know your decision. Do you like it, hate it? Have I blabbered on and not really made it to the point? Is it too short? Do I need more words?

I am not very good at writing these things so any feedback would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

Image result for decisions decisions decisions

Ass#2 – Step 3 & 4

Good morning all!

I had given myself a 8am deadline to have this posted before I have to head to work as I won’t be home in time for the 5pm deadline! (I am cutting it pretty fine, still in my PJ’s, hair a mess and have to leave in 20!)

With my Step 3 and 4 I have also included my peer review feedback so I will be sure to let those of you know who I have given feedback on. 🙂

Thank you all for the team effort so far!

\Assess 2 Step 3-4 K Baldwin s0255863

Hallenstein Glasson – K Baldwin s0255863

Draft ASS#2 Step 2

Good morning all!

I am packing to head away this weekend for a much needed camping trip! So I am tidying up bits and pieces to get them submitted in time for Monday. I have been on my feet non-stop this week with work, packing and all these assessments!

If anyone has some time today (if you’re anything like me then probably not!) I would appreciate a review on my assessment so I can send this last one off after its final review this afternoon – before we load the dog and get on our way.

Thank you! 🙂

Assess 2 Step 2 K Baldwin s0255863


Draft ASS#2 Step 3


Who else was able to successfully balance their spreadsheets after the lecture recording today?

I am so very glad that I love excel as it helped make this task was quite simple. I will admit at first I was a little lost when it come to the Financial Performance with the tax breakups but the lecture has removed all doubt. If anyone has a chance could they please review my draft just in case I have missed something as I have a tendency to celebrate too early sometimes! 🙂

I do have one question, my CI in the Financial Performance does match the CI in my Income Statement but I thought I had heard somewhere that this should also match the P&L from the SOCIE? My view is that it may not because the other comprehensive income was included separately in the SOCIE and not necessarily in the final Profit figure. Any opinions on this?

I found this task quite enlightening as I do love fiddling around with excel and having little missions to complete! (I know sometimes I think I am strange to!) I learnt a few little tricks along the way and felt very honored when Maria mentioned my name in the lecture! I think restating helped me to understand some of the items in the financial statements as I was able to delve deeper into the notes one at a time on the things I needed to gain a better understanding on and doing this one at a time meant less figures and acronyms bouncing around in my head!

Good luck to all that are still poking away at their statements and congrats to those who have managed to balance theirs. Feel free to ask me for a review (whether this is on your presentation, linking, formulas or just an overall review) I will be happy to do so! 🙂

Hallenstein Glasson – K Baldwin s0255863

Image result for celebrate!

‘Excel’ in your Spreadsheets

Hi Students!

I’ve noticed a few of you are new to Microsoft Excel, and that some of you who are familiar are still learning the ways of the spreadsheet. I thought I might post a blog with some hints and tips and some links that may help you when fiddling with your Financials Statements and also just in general!

I’ve started with the basic summing function so just skim past this if your already a guru in the summing department! 🙂

1. Formulas 
Excel has so many formulas options that I haven’t even learnt them all yet! From the simple maths to logistics! Excel seems to be something you can learn as you go depending on what you are trying to do but never think you will have to do anything the hard way! For any math or totals you want calculated you can do the following;

  • In the cell (box) you want the total type =SUM(
  • Select the cell you want to include then use your math symbol (+, -, /, *) Where / is divide and * is multiple 🙂
  • Select another cell and repeat the process and close your bracket at the end!

If you have a whole row of cells you want added together you can simply type =SUM( then click the top cell from that list and drag down to the last cell and close your bracket at the end.

Now the markers would reallllyyyy like it if we linked where we are pulling data from (and remember supporting evidence can give you part marks EVEN if the total itself is incorrect). Same concept as the summing here but just type = in the cell you are putting the data into then select the cell you are copying (this can be from another sheet in your spreadsheet even!) Maria will cover this in her video which is on the Echo site dated 19 April.

**If you get an error on your sum just check you have included your brackets in your formulas, sometimes I forget!

2. Autofill

If you want to create continous cell values or formulas you can use Autofill. This will copy the data from a cell down into however many cells you want! This can be helpful if you are trying to create continuous dates along rows or columns, copy the same thing many times in a row, list numbers down the column… To infinity and beyond! It also helps in the assessment if you wish to drag down your link formulas (Maria explains this in her video but also explains why she doesn’t like it which I have shed light on for her and will explain shortly)

I’ve included the link if you click on autofill above, simply because it lists some options step by step including different versions of word and how to turn it on, so rather than me blabbering on you can have a look at that specifically.

Maria also mentioned in her video that she didn’t like to drag and drop because the autofill will remove her pretty lines (and when you spend some time making it pretty this can be super frustrating, trust me!) A little tip I taught myself is that you can activate a little options box to pop up at the bottom right of what you filled (only right after you’ve done it not later) it looks like this Button image . Click on that and you can select ‘Fill without Formatting’ and voila – pretty colours return! 🙂

3. Hyperlinks 

I think we have all learnt about hyperlinks from the assessment in Word but did you know they work in Excel to! (It is brilliant!) I have utilized this in my Financial Statements Spreadsheet in the Documentation section a the top right I have listed my reports for easy reference.

For example – Type Annual Report 2016 then right click on this cell to bring up options. At the bottom of this there is a Hyperlink option! 😀 This gives you many options in itself you can link it to another sheet, a document in your folders, or simply paste your web address into the ‘address’ box and hit OK. It should turn blue like in Word.

**As an example in the real world – I have a spreadsheet to keep track of stock for the processing plant I work for. We have to keep extensive records for audits including dates and records for packaging/ingredients received. When the goods come in I scan and save the docket to a locked folder and hyperlink this to my spreadsheet where I recorded the incoming goods so I can just click and open when I need it rather than finding the date and correct product in my spreadsheet then looking through my folders for the docket.

Now I could go on for a million years here but the point is, I love Excel and these are just 3 things that will help in your assessment for this course. So please, if you get stuck or think there might be an easier way to do something fiddly don’t be afraid to ask because chances are; Excel will do it, and someone will know how! 🙂

https://blog.udemy.com/excel-formulas/ – Some more tips.

Good luck to all – and remember we are all doing this together so never be afraid to ask! I am hoping to have my draft spreadsheet up next week once I have completed my Restated Financial Position. So feel free to pop in and check it out it might help with formulas and formatting.

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Alienating Financial Statements

Hi all,

Hope we are travelling well with Assessment 2! I’ve included my draft for Step 1 if you get a chance to pop through some feedback I would be happy to return the favour! Trying to get on top of things as most of you probably are to so we can avoid it over the break!

I don’t know about you but we will be loading the dog into the ute and heading bush! 🙂

(Also want to note, my heart goes out to all affected by Debbie, if you even have the chance to read this – I hope you still have a little ray of sunshine this long weekend…)

I myself have never restated financial statements before, even after working in an Accounting Firm for 6 years so very interesting for me! 🙂 Hence, the Alienating part!

Good luck and HAPPY EASTER!

Assess 2 Step 1 K Baldwin s0255863

Image result for accountant easter

Feedback, Feedup, Feeddown!


“What is the shortest word in the English language that includes the letters ABCDEF?”

FEEDBACK – One of the essential elements of good communication!

After posting a copy of my draft on Friday I have sat down this morning and smashed out a few more sections! Including my feedback and favourite blogs. I will leave a comment for those which I have provided feedback, as well as those who I have included in my top 3 blogs..

I have attached the updated version of my word doc and spreadsheet. Please feel free to give me some feedback! Even though I have included my 3, I would be willing to provide more to return any favours! 🙂

DRAFT Assess 1 Stage 2-6 K Baldwin s0255863

Hallenstein Glasson – K Baldwin s0255863

Draft – Ass#1 Step 2-6

Morning all!

I was hoping to have these drafts up a little earlier but you all know how it is! 🙂

Hallenstein Glasson – K Baldwin s0255863

Assess 1 Stage 2-6 K Baldwin s0255863

Please give me some feedback on things I could improve, if anything is unclear, and if you feel I have left anything out, this is still a work in progress but would really appreciate some feedback. Don’t forget to mention if there is anything that you like (so I know what NOT to change!)

I will be happy to return the favour! I also haven’t picked my third favourite blog yet so I will be checking you all out!

Thank you and good luck with your assessments and courses! I’m off to my day job to earn a dollar, hoping this will be a wonderful Friday for us all!